Thursday, August 07, 2014

A fun filled day!!

Hey everyone! Today was a great day! We started off the day at camp by doing devotions with the kids. Devotions are filled with singing and dancing. I have never seen people worship God like they do and I really just love it!! After that we headed to the park to play on the play structure. (all of us ran around like little kids it was so funny!) Then we had our amazing talent show filled with more singing, dancing and even a few skits.
Today a group from Toronto called TC3 came to perform for us. They were fantastic! They did some singing, dancing and even some drumming. Along with that we had a BBQ! After that we did some more dancing! (We have been practicing our dance moves before bed) and finally we ended off our day at kim and Syl 's house. They fed us an amazing supper and let us swim in their pool and hot tub! It was a great way to end off the day!! We all miss you guys!

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