Sunday, September 21, 2014


Ravi quote from this morning.

Faith becomes private when we fail to find meaning in its public expression.

Teaching on Nehemiah... .A foreigner, from a conquered people who was the most trusted person in the kings court. 

God chooses our burdens for us.  This burden will crush us but not destroy us.  You must feel the pathos of the people you are called to.

When you pray:
You recognize the sovereignty of God.

You can see the duplicity of your own heart. You can preach with duplicity,  but you can never stand before God and pretend to be someone else. (Referenced Jacob who, when he asked to be blessed after wrestling with God, God asked him his name...Jacob had lied when his father asked him his name while he stole his brothers birthright.  Now, before God, his duplicity is revealed)

God will make His dream out of you. If there is only one voice in our prayers it is His voice not ours.  When we pray He will create us into who we can be, not who we think we are or who we want to be.

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